Brander Park Pond December 2022

Finishing out 2022 with this two huge trees. Brander park pond is a common wedding venue in the area and these two trees were perched right next to the main area with gardens and a gazebo over the water.

A short video for scale

It’s never easy to capture the size of a tree in a picture but even this video fails to express just how large these two trees were.

Estimated height: 100’

Diameter at breast height: 7’

Making the decision for removal.

Deciding to cut trees like this down come with a lot of considerations like placement, risk and cost. At upwards of 100 feet these trees are sitting in sandy soil near a pond making them extremely unstable. One of the two, as you can see, has a large injury that is causing continuous rot at its base. If these trees were in a location where they posed no risk to people they may have been able to grow for many more years but, these massive trees host imminent risk to this community space. Another reason to remove both these trees at once is cost, it’s much more cost effective to remove a somewhat hazardous tree while already on site. The older trees get the riskier and pricier they become.




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